The System

From above of crop faceless person holding cup of fresh coffee while sitting at table and reading book about butterflies

The System

Sierra uses gamification techniques, positive psychology research, and neurodiversity principles to make life more fun and doable. After years of doing this, Sierra has created a multi-tiered system that she calls “Questify Your Life” where she creates quests in her life to focus on the goals that follow her values. The goal of this system is to encourage goal completion in a form that is fun, with an emphasis on the importance of play and creativity.


This system is roughly split up into three parts, Journey, Character, Quests. A brief overview of the system is below.


Life is about the journey, not the destination. This system is built to reflect that.

The journey incorporates principles like “change is inevitable” and “failure is a part of the process”,” among many others.


The journey also includes physical documentation and the day-to-day execution of quests. This includes game boards, badges, reward systems, and how to level up.

Character focuses on who you are as you travel around this realm.

This includes, in no particular order:


What you look like to the outside world.

Simple But Not Easy

There are some quests in life that are simple, but not easy. Like going to sleep at a regular time every evening, getting exercise regularly, meditating, etc.


There are some things that we just cannot change about ourselves. Working on self-compassion and self-acceptance are important quests.


A fun way to intentionally focus your energy and actions in a way to further your quests. For example, you may choose to be a “Hobbit” when cleaning or a “Bard” when performing.

Quests are how you spend your time.

Quests are how you spend your time. What type of goals do you want to achieve? What do you want to learn? Everything can be a quest.

Sierra splits her quests into a couple of main quests, with sub-quests within those main quests. An example of a main quest is law school. Three years with a countless objective, obstacles, and opportunities for side-quests.

Sierra also uses a system that she calls “Dragon Quests.”

A Dragon is a social justice passion that you focus your energy on. If you choose one and find a community to help fight that dragon you will, hopefully, be able to successfully fend off the feeling of burnout related to the terrifying amount of social justice issues that plague the world. Sierra’s Dragon Quests almost always revolve around disability, neurodiversity, and mental health topics.

Interested in learning more about Sierra’s Dragon?

Check out her work at

There are also various forms of side-quests, fetch quests, and dice games.

Sierra, a white woman smiling with sunglasses on the top of her head on a teal velvet background with a gold flower decoration

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